Csak mert valaki plus size, még lehet jógaoktató

Borítókép: Csak mert valaki plus size, még lehet jógaoktató
Jessamyn Stanley szerint nem a testünk, hanem a gondolkodásunk áll a boldogságunk útjában.

A North Carolina államban élő négy éve fedezte fel a Bikram jógát, és annyira beleszeretett, hogy azóta már oktatóként dolgozik. Egyáltalán nem zavarja, hogy túlsúlyos, sőt, szerinte a jógázni vágyókat gyakran az tartja vissza, hogy mindig csak tökéletes alakú mesterektől tanulnak.

Ezért Jessamyn az internet minden lehetséges bugyrában hirdeti, hogy mindenféle testalkattal lehet jógázni – többek közt Instagram-oldalán is.

I hit a wall in my practice this morning. I was practicing a @kathrynbudig flow on @yogaglo and I started to feel pretty winded about 20 minutes into it. I'd definitely practiced the flow before- I recalled thoroughly enjoying it in the past. But this morning, the voice in my head started working harder than the rest of me. "Take a break," it said. "You've been hauling ass all week, chill out." And so I stopped- only 20 min. into a flow I'd LOVED in the past & I was wiped out. I tell this story to say: we are all ALWAYS students. We are all ALWAYS merely practicing. No matter how long you've been practicing, your body will be different every damm day. I spent a few moments mentally berating myself before I just started flowimg spontaneously on my own. It was kind of a blessing in disguise-I ended up working on a # of poses that rarely show up in my practice these days. Basically, never feel bad if you're practicing #yoga & it starts beating the shit out of you. It literally happens to all of us. Leggings-- @maleshactivewear

A photo posted by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on May 8, 2015 at 7:39pm PDT

A fotókból kiderül, hogy a kövérség nem akadály a változatos ászanák végrehajtásában,

I had a really good time shooting with @alliemullin & @cadyshannon for @clarioncontent today- I love my small, weird, diverse Southern town to pieces and I'm excited to be part of this burgeoning community of creative doers and thinkers. I can't wait to share @alliemullin's final shots paired with Cady's article about me, but here's a quick shot my love @cadyshannon snapped. Leggings by @maleshactivewear/ Top by @paramitedesigns It recently occurred to me that many of my 'non-internet' yoga friends have difficulty understanding the necessity of an online yoga community. I mean, I keep encountering really awesome lifelong yoga practitioners who are completely flummoxed by the yoga social media community and I can't help but notice that they are all, well.....not "different". It's largely people who have a completely unintended privilege within the Western yoga world which is purely based on the fact that their bodies are either white and/or slender. It's funny because, simultaneously, I encounter an overwhelming number of people who are both white AND slender and STILL feel excluded from the Western yoga world. Without making any bastardized generalizations, I think we can all safely agree that all of this is a fucking problem. There isn't a person on earth who should feel left out of the Western yoga world- as we walk deeper into the 21st century, the face of yoga has become even more undefinable and the internet is the only place we really have to put that undefinable face on display. I can only hope that those who roll their eyes at the yoga social media community will find a way to put their prejudices aside, but at the same time- who cares? This is a new world order- it's time for change. I'm excited to see so many of you are down to do the work that needs to be done- I feel blessed to be 'internet friends' with all of you.

A photo posted by Jessamyn (@mynameisjessamyn) on Apr 20, 2015 at 6:23pm PDT

...sőt, néhány fotón egyenesen fehérneműben/fürdőruhában látható – mint egy interjúban elmondta, azért, mert a forrójóga nem tűr meg sok ruhát.

Szóval ismét kiderült, hogy a testalkat nem állhat útjába a sportolásnak – Jessamyn szerint az Instagram-oldalának nagy előnye, hogy ő maga is végigkövetheti a saját fejlődését, izmosodását.

via: boredpanda.com, lostateminor.com, nymag.com

Jessamyn Stanley , Instagram-oldala